Go headless for a more flexible customer experience
Intershop Commerce Platform is headless. This means the front-end is separated from the backend commerce functionalities, so brands have the freedom to build their frontend any way they want, and connect to as many touchpoints – like mobile apps, voice assistant, and IoT devices – they need.
Get better web performance and optimised mobile experiences
Powered by seamless data integration with REST APIs. Experience lightning-fast loading time on the web and quick response times even on a slower mobile network
Improve the developer experience
When the frontend is decoupled from the backend, developers have the freedom to make changes that improve store experiences without compromising on website design
APIs for B2B & B2C
Whether it’s content, pricing, quotes, contracts, or approvals, access Intershop’s extensive APIs for enterprise workflows to solve any business challenge
Headless commerce examples
Explore commerce opportunities from unconventional touch points.
Smart Shelf
Smart Shelf can detect change in inventory when something has been removed or added. It can send an automated alert to suppliers when inventory is running low, so they can replenish before you run out of stock.
Leverage the ability to see spatially to open up complex product structures. Having clear visibility with precision means you can order the spare parts you need quickly when you need them.
IoT devices
Smart Drill is an example of how everyday objects can be connected to sensors to record the consumption of goods or track when maintenance is due.
Every second delayed is a lost opportunity
Give your business a boost by building a strong online presence now.
Intershop PWA
Use our progressive web app as one of the ‘head’
See how pricing works and get a customised quote
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